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Update on the Real 25 Skills

October 9, 2007

Genderblog readers weigh in on Popular Mechanics' list

25 Skills Men Should KnowTen days ago Genderblog posted the Popular Mechanics' list of 25 Skills Every Man Should Know with a request for your feedback on the eternal value of each selection.  We have enjoyed receiving your input and suggestions.  Here is an interim update as we continued to prepare what we are calling the "Real 25 Skills."

Let's start with the skills that will be removed.  Some thought that "retouch digital photos" might be a skill that would tempt the average man toward pridefully improving personal images, or unnecessarily wasting time.  With apologies to our friends who earn a living as graphic designers, we agree with removing this from the essential skill list.

We were pleased to see that "Hook up an HDTV" received no votes.  While technically challenging, it is by no means essential for manhood.

Yet others thought that "Patch a radiator hose" and "Fix a bike flat" might be combined together into the broader skill of "Master the use of duct tape."  We will need to do a little additional research on that one. 

We also have nothing to say to those men who thought that "filet a fish" was a misspelling of the "Filet O Fish" that can be purchased under the golden arches.  At very least, "Teach children how to fish" will remain on the list.

More importantly, there were many outstanding suggestions for skills that need to be added to the list.  Every man needs to "Entrust sound doctrine to other men," "Work at a vocation as unto the Lord," and "Treat younger women like sisters with all purity."

"Pray humbly in public" was a skill that comes from the inner man but also improves with steady practice.  For the vast majority of men who pursue marriage, "Love your wife sacrificially as Christ loved the church" is another skill that comes from a transformed heart but improves with intentional planning.  "Play games with your family" and "Ensure your family is at church on time on Sunday" are not necessarily widely practiced, but certainly skills worthy of consideration.

We appreciate hearing from you, and invite your further participation as our final "Real 25 Skills" list comes together.

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