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The Real 25 Skills Every Man Should Know

September 28, 2007

Can we improve on the Man-Skills list from Popular Mechanics?

25 Skills Men Should KnowHats off to Popular Mechanics for starting a profitable line of discussion in their October issue: the 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. They have done an outstanding job of trying to combine time-tested skills ("Build a campfire", "Get a car unstuck", and "Paint a room") with more modern requirements ("Back up data", "Hook up an HDTV"). I partly question the ongoing relevance of some of the skills ("Bleed brakes", or even "Filet a fish"). I will be the first to admit that I personally fall short of a being a 25-skilled guy according to Popular Mechanics.

Unfortunately, I think that I fall short on a larger list of greater importance. Specifically, this PM list lacks any hint of essential spiritual skills that a man should know. "Explain the glory of God's greatness to a four-year old", "Plan a date night", "Lead in confession of sins", "Prepare for and pursue courtship", "Entrust the gospel to younger men" are notable omissions. I am confident that there are many more, and believe that it would be profitable to compile a better list.

Therefore, with all deference to the editors at Popular Mechanics for starting this dialogue, we at CBMW would appreciate your input on compiling the top 25 skills for every Christian male. Please use the feedback link below to send your input on what skills should added to the list and what skills could be dropped. We will compile and post the revised list in the near future.

By the way, here is the Popular Mechanics list:

  1. Patch a radiator hose
  2. Protect your computer
  3. Rescue a boater who has capsized
  4. Frame a wall
  5. Retouch digital photos
  6. Back up a trailer
  7. Build a campfire
  8. Fix a dead outlet
  9. Navigate with a map and compass
  10. Use a torque wrench
  11. Sharpen a knife
  12. Perform CPR
  13. Filet a fish
  14. Maneuver a car out of a skid
  15. Get a car unstuck
  16. Back up data
  17. Paint a room
  18. Mix concrete
  19. Clean a bolt-action rifle
  20. Change oil and filter
  21. Hook up an HDTV
  22. Bleed brakes
  23. Paddle a canoe
  24. Fix a bike flat
  25. Extend your wireless network
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